Steak on Sundays

Version 2

Nick, one of Sally Ride’s cooks, prepares the steaks.

Steak is the traditional Sunday dinner, and when the weather allows it, grilling takes place on the back deck. It’s an unofficial duty of the Chief Engineer, onboard Sally Ride that’s Paul Bueren. The cooks prepare the meat and make the side dishes – today’s include baked potatoes, mac’n’cheese, squash, plus a cheese platter and cucumber and lox bites. The smell of barbecue wafting on deck gets people hungry and excited, so more than the usual number of people seem to show up for dinner on time. 


Chief Paul at the grill.



Unfortunately for some of the scientists, we got to station at 4pm which means many of them are sampling the CTD or deploying nets come the 5pm dinner call. Based on what I saw though, there will be plenty of leftovers. Speaking of which, it’s 5:04 – gotta go.